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GNU Gatekeeper 3.2

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:02 pm
by willamowius
Dear community,

I'm happy to announce the availability of GNU Gatekeeper 3.2. This is
the first version released by Relaxed Communications GmbH, the company I
recently founded to provide consulting and support for GnuGk.

Version 3.2 has a few new features and many bugfixes, especially for
those of you with a lot of calls. There are executables for Linux,
Windows, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.

New Features:

The most important new feature in my view is the ability to have
multiple instances of routing policies with different configuration.
Another very important feature is support for additive registrations.

Here is the full list:
  • allow multiple instances of routing policies with different settings (currently works for sql, enum, srv, dns, numberanalysis, lua, forwarding)
  • support for additive registration for gateways, new switch [RasSrv::RRQFeatures] EnableAdditiveRegistration
  • new Alias SQL variable "Additive-RRQ"
  • new [Gatekeeper::Main] TTLExpireDropCall switch to prevent calls being dropped due to registration timeout
  • added AssignedGatekeeper support to child gatekeeper
  • new [Routing::Sql] EnableRegexRewrite switch to support basic regex rewrite in SQL queries
  • new switch [RoutedMode] RemoveH245AddressFromSetup=
  • improved speed of H.460.19 port detection
  • new ACF status item for media routing for calls
  • extend [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints] to support vendor information on gateways
Please see changes.txt in the download archives for details on the bug
