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Adjust keylength

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:09 pm
by samatthias
Hi AESCrypt Team

First of all: Thanks for providing AESCrypt as an opensource software!

I've got a small question: Is it possible to adjust the key size from 256bit to 128bit? I copied the Java source code to my Eclipse environement and I'm wondering how I can do that. It seems that this variable is
private static final int KEY_SIZE = 32; the one I'm looking for, but I'm not sure.

best regards

Re: Adjust keylength

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:17 am
by dav.garcia

Unfortunately, I think it's not possible.
Constant values were extracted from the main code to make it easier to understand and maintain, but still they are not variables or configuration options and should not be changed.